Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekend Getaway

Lily also turned 8 months this past week. She is now crawling and can wave "hi!"

This was our room at the JW Marriot. It was super nice.
Lily loved this blow up toy we got her to go swimming in. She was so much fun to watch.

Thanks to our good friends (Mike & Sarah Rogan), Lorin, Lily and I were able to spend the weekend at a resort in Scottsdale to celebrate my birthday. It was so nice to get away, swim and go shopping at Desert Ridge. It really felt like we were out of town and we had a great time. Thanks again, Mike & Sarah for hooking us up. We had soo much fun!!


Anonymous said...

your room looks awesome! i love the painted striped walls. Lily is so cute and getting so big. her hair looks really blonde in those pictures. cant wait to see you on friday!

Melissa said...

I'm so happy you had a great b-day. There is nothing better than a weekend together- It sounds wonderful!
I just read your other posts- How you meet Stephanie Meyer. She came out here last month and I was going to go, but sold my ticket to a friend instead. She said it was crazy and they wouldn't even let you take any pictures. I thought that is so cool you got one with/ of her. I love those books too.. Don't know what I think about the movie yet, (He's just not cute enough for Edward).

Kristi said...

I hope you had a happy birthday! At first when I saw the picture of Lorin and Lily in the room, I thought, "Wow she decorated her room really nice!" Then like the dork that I am I realized that it was in the hotel. Ner! I'm glad you had fun!

Jenny Lynn said...

She is sooo dang cute, I cant get over it. I love your sweet encouragement in the video, your such a good mommy!