The amigos... (Our house is too small so we had it at the church).
Ali & Vaughn Fish
Derek & Rachel Jensen
Angie, Zach & Ryker Hawkins
TC turned 27! Dang, he's old!
Amber, Bailey & Brennon Adams
Des showing off her AWESOME High School musical presents
Tyson & Mandi Abaroa
Chad & Jaylynn Andersen showing off their weight belt and cowboy hat.
Lorin won this beautiful sign made by TC. Fortunately, someone stole it from him. :)
What can I say? I love white elephant exchanges! We had one with our family, one with the young womens, one with our friends in our ward, and the last one was last night with our friends from our old ward. We had so much fun getting together for this annual event! We also celebrated TC Fish's birthday last night. It was fun chatting, laughing and fighting over presents! We hope to continue to have this tradition since most people have moved from the ward. Plus, it was nice to finally get rid of the Richard Simmon's workout video that we got at last year's white elephant. I had saved that video for a whole year just so I could regift it this year. Lame, I know!