Monday, August 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn - 1.5 stars

I've been dying to blog about this book all weekend. I was able to get it at midnight at Deseret Friday night. I'm stupid and never went to bed that night. I read from 12:30 to 6:30 in the morning. We were busy all day long with family things so I didn't get to finish it til last night. Now, if you don't want spoilers PLEASE don't read below, because there are a ton... SORRY :(

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed. I felt like the book was VERY different from the other three. I think it was just too much of the vampire/werewolf world for me. In the other books, she still went to school and associated with the humans and what not, but this book had none of that except for the wedding in the very beginning. Don't get me wrong... I thought it was very entertaining but it was just a little on the... WEIRD side for me. I think they talked too much about the horizontal tango... The whole pregnancy thing was just a little much, not to mention how she actually births the baby. I also was a little freaked out about Jacob imprinting on Renesme (which by the way, I HATED that name... too long and dumb). I know I'm just complaining a lot here. I told myself I would be happy as long as Bella & Edward were together and they were so I shouldn't be complaining. I think it was just a disappointment. I feel like Stephanie Meyer could have done this book very differently and it would have been better. She should have had more of the humans... there should have been fewer characters to introduce... the whole J Jenks thing could have been left out (just pointless and unnecessary)... the whole immortal children thing was dumb in my opinion... I just feel like it could have been such a better story! I feel like peoples' theories as to what would happen in this book were so much better than what actually happened. Does that make any sense? What does everyone else think? Am I the only one who really didn't like it that much?


Jenny Lynn said...

Until they had the whole ordeal with the Volturi, the book was way too happy. I know that sounds dumb but it was just, my life is so perfect, everything is wonderful. I did really like how she wrote some of the book from Jacob's perspective. That was new and different. I did miss the human interaction, her friends from school. I really liked it though. I feel like all the questions and loose ends were answered.

Chris and Jodi said...

So I haven't read it yet...I want to know more about your boutique. Are you the owner, did you have to buy property, what are you going to sell, how do you know how to start something like this? Do you sense my curiosity? I think you're so cool!!! :)

Kristi said...

So I really do agree with you on some of the things. Most of the theories I read on websites did happen in the book. I was kind of fighting the whole bella gets pregnant and has a force field for a power thing, but the way SM described it made it work, not that it was my favorite part though. I guess what I like about most of all the books is how much I relate to Bella's story. You know, high school love, high school love leaves, find new "love", that doesn't work out especially when first love comes back, get married, unexpected pregnancy, and happily ever after. You're right, J. Jenks was dumb and pointless like that should have been an extra or outtake. I'm glad Jacob had some story telling. I hated it at first, but by the end I'm glad I got his perspective. Renesmee, ya stupid name, sure it sentimental, but hated reading it. I'm not even sure I pronounce it right. I liked EJ better, if it was a boy of course. My favorite parts were Isle Esme and when the Volturi came. I'd love to see that part in a movie. Which brings me to another point. I'm not sure this book would make a good movie like twilight will. It's totally different from the other books, but I'm glad I got my closure. Sorry that was so long.

Breanne said...

Wow! I have not checked blogs in a long time and have been dying to discuss this but afraid to post spoilers. So here it goes. I agree with you on some parts but totally disagree on others. I loved it but only because it hit me up side the head. I did not expect it at all. But it all made sense. Weird at parts, some things unnecessary. But still over all I like it. I can totally see the first three in movies but this one not unless it is rated R. With all the love scenes and the blood. I pictured Renesmee's birth VERY bloody. I don't know it will be interesting. I have heard SM say several times that she was glad that the book is finally out because she has know how it was going to end from the very beginning. Now I think that she kept saying that to get people to believe that she wrote this book "for herself and not for an audience" like she also always says. I don't know I think there could have been some outside influence because it was so differant. Either way it tied up the loose ends and over all I really enjoyed it.

greg & allyson said...

this has nothing to do with the book, but i just wanted to say hi. (Allyson Webb Cottrell here.) I remember seeing your darling red-headed baby at Christmas time and now she is so big and cuter than ever. i hope your family is doing well.